Magical overnight

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This was my first visit to a brothel. I researched available brothels, courtesans, and their reviews. All the ladies are beautiful. But after reading Addison’s profile and blog, I was impressed by her intellect and personality.

I flew to Las Vegas for the sole purpose of meeting Addison.

After arriving at the ranch, Addison greeted me warmly after a short wait. She is not only beautiful, but very personable. She took me to the Safari room where she explained the legal rules and prices. I opted for an all night girlfriend experience. We had a magical evening, starting with a light supper and bottle of champagne. I enjoyed our conversation ranging from the mundane to the philosophical. She really is an intelligent and empathetic woman. She made me feel at ease and it really did feel like we were old friends. The night progressed sensually for several hours. Addison was focused on my pleasure and enjoyed herself. Afterward we fell asleep cuddling. It was a magical night. I can hardly wait to see her again! I highly recommend Addison; if you want both a physical and spiritual connection with a wonderful, sexy, and beautiful woman.

— Joe